
Wine is liquid terroir in a glass

Our vineyards are all located on the Middle Moselle and are spread across the villages of Kinheim, Erden and Kröv. We concentrate on a few top sites, which are, however, very challenging: Mostly extremely steep, often still traditional Mosel single-pole sites that require a lot of manual labour and, on top of that, organic farming.

The soils are typical Moselle slate soils, which give the wines their unmistakable minerality.

Riesling is our dominant grape variety. One reason for this is that we almost always take over old Riesling vineyards. We also believe that, despite climate change, Riesling is still THE outstanding grape variety for the Moselle.

Kinheimer Hubertuslay

the heart of our vineyards

This is where the Jus Naturae project began with an overgrown single vineyard. We are continuously bringing the Riesling vines planted in 1979 back to their best form. The grey slate and steep slope ensure that the old vines produce exceptional grapes here year after year. But the vineyard also has a special landscape. It is protected from the side by the neighbouring Rosenberg and visually forms a kind of natural amphitheatre.

Erdener Treppchen

our most prestigious site.

The vineyard is challenging to work, as it is very steep. The soil is dominated by grey and red slate. In combination with the ideal sun exposure, outstanding wines are produced here. In addition, the via ferrata offers an ideal opportunity to enjoy the fantastic landscape around the Erdener Treppchen and to get an impression of the steepness of the vineyards.

Kröver Steffensberg

Not as prominent as our other locations, but no less good in terms of quality.

The soils are interspersed with grey Devonian slate. Despite the steep slope, the water supply to the old vines is good. Part of our vineyard in Steffensberg is equipped with a wire frame system, while the other part is planted using the classic Mosel single-pole system. The vineyard also boasts a splendid landscape. Visitors are treated to a breathtaking view of the Moselle bend and the village of Wolf.

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