
The Jus Naturae winery stands for steep-slope wines full of character that result from hard work and precise craftsmanship in symbiotic cooperation with nature. The laws and rhythms of nature are respected to the maximum in the vineyard and the cellar. We merely accompany the magical transformation of grape juice to wine and intervene where necessary. 

An important part of our philosophy is also the time factor: we give the wines the time they need to be so microbiologically stable that they are usually bottled without sulphur and filtration.

As everything we do is characterized by sustainability and we want to demonstrate this transparently, we are in the process of organic certification (DE-Öko-039), which will be completed for most of our vineyards in 2024. A particular focus of our work is on improving soil life and therefore soil quality. 

Take a look at the terroir that forms the basis for our wines.

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